Summer Travels and Family Photos

Okay...a little shameless promotion, but isn't she adorable?! She is wearing my Polka Dot Market pink and green hat on a hot, sunny day up in Midland, Michigan last week. The real reason she is wearing it is because I left her hat at the house and she needed one. The fun reason is so she can tell folks about my business. Kids are great, right?

I wanted to tell you that we were traveling last week in Michigan visiting friends and family. We started the week in Detroit, went to the NASCAR race for my husband's company-sponsored car (#4 Ward Burton), then drove to Midland for more fun.
Here are my girls watching my dad's church VBS program on Friday (this was taken before I put hats on both of them).
See that cute green paisley diaper bag hiding behind her stroller? That's our newest diaper bag. I made it for a friend and customer, but secretly kept it for myself for our trip. Don't worry, I made her one too. The interior is chocolate polka dots fabric by Michael Miller. Love that!
Below is a picture of the girls with my husband's brother, Steve. He lives in Royal Oak, Michigan and is a graphic designer and art director. He designed the Polka Dot Market logo! The girls love their Uncle Stevie. (Wait - Lauren is wearing the same dress in both photos. Gotta love vacation!)

All in all, a great vacation! No sandy beaches this time, but lots of family and friends. We are happy to be home. Thank you to our customers who placed orders last week - they are all in process and will ship starting this week in the order received. You were busy designing lots of polka dot diaper bags and baby gifts last week. We have a full order book!

Happy summer everyone! New photos of our beach bags are up on the website too. Like flip flops? Come to the Market and check it out!


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