Snow in Tennessee

My brother-in-law, Steve, brought snow from Michigan (7+ hour drive in a cooler) so he could build my daughter a snowman in our front yard for Christmas. Can you believe it? What a great gift!

No long road trips this year...we are home and it is very relaxing. I have been missing my family in Michigan (all of my sisters are home too), but they keep sending me pictures and calling so I will make it!

Today the girls are going to Grandma's to play with their aunties who just flew in from Michigan. I will be sewing and shipping a few birthday orders for parties on January 4th then sneaking out for a few hours of shopping I hope. Our best friends from Michigan now live in Memphis and we will see them tonight for dinner as they drive through town on their way to Michigan for the holidays.

We hope you received something very special for Christmas yesterday too. My mom sent me my very own "Sally" blue Porsche car from the movie CARS. I love it! She is on top of my bookcase in my office for sew faster maybe?

I promise our new products and Valentine's Day tees will be up before the new year!

Happy day-after-Christmas-sale shopping. Write a comment and tell me your best bargain.


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